Dear me. Been stuck on the crap top in me tiny cell of a room sweating and slaving away on the computer these last few days typing up all the new details for this years Mountain Bike Kerala goes Himalayan tours which should be superb. It will be pleasant to get back on the bike this afternoon and head off towards the fabled Pindari Glacier on the mountain bike, reckon it could take a week if I can bike all the trecking trails so could be the last entry for some time.
The expedition party has fallen to pieces, bars, homesickness and a social boycott has accounted for them all so its only me now which is much more easy to manage. Nani Tal was superb, and a week there and in the old cultural capital of Uttaranchal; Almora; has thrown up three brilliant days of mountain biking so thrilled with that.
Have now moved on to Bhageshwar a crumbling temple town on the confluence of two amazingly clear rivers. Bhageshwar is the staging post for the next round of exploration and the town is pleasant enough and hosts enough barber shops to shave all the male inhabitants of the entire subcontinent so if I get chance will go on a barber shop crawl this morning to test a few out.
Testing times in the jeep over here yesterday completely packed with people with one elderly fellow seemingly taking a keen interest in my right knee for the whole trip duration tickling it and putting his hand on it, (this has happened before last year) but with the added twist that he kept picking his nose in between bouts of knee worship and seemed unabashed about sticking his nostril contaminated fingers back onto my seriously unhappy knee.
1 comment:
Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. US mountain biking
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