I have returned to Kerala battered, bruised, occasionally shoeless and mentally scarred from a torrid 3000 km 72 hour journey.
Nobody said travel in India was easy. Travelling encumbered with a mountain bike and enough gear to weigh down a team of porters on a Nandi Devi expedition is foolhardy. Managed to accomplish the 1st stage to Delhi with me cousin Scott without too much fuss with only a few scars from the straps of an overweighted bike bag ripping the skin of my shoulders and making me look like an advocate of flagelation which I am in a sense.
After an overnight in Delhi and the departure of me cousin Scott is was time to be reunited with the rest of my long term luggage and attempt to make the journey to New Delhi Railway Station where I planned to avail the assistance of a porter to carry the lorry load of luggage (probably 70 kg) to the remotest outpost of platformdom the dreaded Platform 16. Tears, sweat measured in buckets, enough curses to make a Tamil blush and gurns that frightened away the most pernicious of beggars accompanied me on the torturous 800 meter journey, agony upon agony, misery upon misery and a complete absence of any porters made the trip the hardest thing I have ever done in my life… serious…
Boarded the train with appalling injuries a stiff back, a twisted side and bruises on me biceps that looked like I had run out of places to inject myself made for a pityful sight for the rest of passengers who seized upon my apparent weakness by claiming all the plum window seats.
The last 48 hours on the train was quite relaxing with the only incident to report was the stealing and returning of my flip flops; taken by a big fat man on the top berth opposite. Twice, after dropping down from my top bunk to head out on the platform at stops; I was shocked to find my footwear missing with the rest of the passengers pointing me in the direction of the fat man as the culprit “He has gone to take his toilet” A disturbing image indeed of a fat man squatting down for a crap with my flip flops on. He returned, I feigned annoyance, apologies where made, episode forgotten. So I thought, on the second occasion, my flip flops disappeared for 30 minutes before returning on the cracked feet of the fat man. Sorry he said “mobile charging”. As if it wasn’t taking the shoes that was the problem but the fact that his mobile needed charging. This time I made a bit of a stance and tried to bring in other passengers on to my side to shame the man from further offences. Offers to use other peoples flip flops if need be in the future reigned in. Ridiculous.
I found the perfect pair of Flip-Flops that no one would want to pinch! Anti-Theft Flip-Flops
Love the back drop Mr McLean. Did show it to Liz to inform her of what I am missing, but I think she missed the point.
This wouldn't happen in 1st class! Love the photos......
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