Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Last few days in the Darjeeling hills prove fruitful and manage to unearth enough tracks and paths me thinks to put together a fantastic tour in November time.
Spent yesterday running and walking the 45 km to Kurseong from Darjeeling on a jeep track that follows the old British Military road, excellent stuff with the first 10 k through the thick forests of a National Park. Few signs up saying do not disturb the animals but sadly no signs requesting that the animals don't disturb the humans. Come under attack twice by unidentified animals crashing and hissing in the trees but not brave enough to confront me directly, throw in a bit of sprint training here and there to show the animals what they are up against and it appeared that the suspected panthers/ black bears/ domesticated dogs didn't fancy their chances which is lucky because I was half dead and had to walk the last 30 k of the day.
Return to Darjeeling to discover that the disc has not arrived but its all to late now and I am on the train back to Delhi ready for the last bit of what was to be mountain biking in the mountainous North West Indian state of Himachel Pradesh.

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